Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's too easy.

It is too easy for Fat Bill.

Just imagine I have a relationship with Tony Saprano or Henry Kissinger. Somehow I could talk ... I was ALLOWED to talk straight to the Boss. I would have to say "This doesn't look good."

So this week Fat Bill wants to fucking exempt military payrolls from State taxes. Fuck him!

When I signed on to support the Governor to be re-elected I knew it wasn't going to be easy to seperate Governor Fat Bill from Vice-President Fat Bill. Fuck, I am seriouly trying to do something positive with the "Richardson Collection of the World's Marbled Papers"

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I don't exist.

"Who were you when you were sixteen years old?"

I knew what she meant. What was the name that people "officially" called me in 1959?

"Danny, Donado, Donato, Cove, ...", I started to name what they called me in the past and realize how hard it was going to be to prove that I actually do exist. My friend Pantagleize would ask, "Is it really me?"

It was Annie Addington that reminded me that my first acting teacher at Uconn called me "Don Coviello." Nate Katter was cool and I'm glad he's doing well in New York.

But prove my point and to satisfy the nice lady at Social Security I went back to my old highschool to get 'Danny Coviello's' highschool records.

Milford High School is now the town of "Parson's Complex. " or the what's called 'Government Center.' That's where the Board of Education. is located.

Sure enough, as the letter from the Director of Pupil Personnel Services about me says "Unfortunately during an extensive search I was unable to locate his records" but "he did graduate graduate from Milford High."

Paul Schmidt (left) wears his cousin Danny Coviello's letter sweater that Paul had save for Cove for over 45 years.

Monday, October 16, 2006

This big.

Teen Terror

Teen uses tits as terror.