Friday, March 21, 2008

Rock Star Endorses Barack Star and A Plain Star Goes Home

Governor Richardson, the former "Fat Bill" and subject of this former blog, has endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Sarah Jane Olson, the former Kathy Soliah and actress, has been released from prison.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stat Counter

The little counter at the bottom of the page does more than add up the total hits on my blog. It gives me some specific information as to who is coming to the site. And when I saw a number of hit from a site called "Zodiac Killer" it got my attention. It seems just the mention of the Berkeley Tribe warranted (pardon the pun) police to refer to this blog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Links

I have started writing about the now defunct chat room on the newspaper The Santa Fe New Mexican's web site. We use to called it 'The Lost Souls' Room'. I am writing a copyrightable fiction blog titled The Lost Souls Room.

I am also starting to blog on two new links and planning a third.

The first is The World of Marbling.

The Second is about pets call Santa Fe Scoop.

And the third, possibly called 'The Fab Book', will be here on blogger ... I will let you know.