Saturday, July 20, 2013

Scott Hutton Lives!

In the days before Scott Hutton and googlerights Santa Fe had more 'free speech.' Not that I blame Hutton Broadcasting but the radio and the Wayne's World public access TV (PEG) back then allowed for far more freedom and free expression than we have now. In Santa Fe the dream of relevant citizen journalism and making artistic statement is dead in all media except maybe on public access Community TV Santa Fe channel 16.  Below is part of an old Santa Fe  public access show The Gift of Art.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Roque Garcia Carnitas Santa Fe

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Santa Fe's A Bitch

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Voice(s) of Santa Fe 101.5 - Patti Bushee, Julia Goldberg and Mayor Coss

Patti Bushee and Mayor Coss
 How any of the sitting City Councilors could have the nerve to run for Mayor after "losing" ten million dollars last year, is way beyond me?  One freakin' tenth of the operating budget for the City... gone. The arrogance Patti Bushee shows in running for mayor is especially galling because Bushee,  Mayor Coss and the disgraced former City Manager (Robert Romero) were partners in a threesome that not only decimated the Municipal finances but ruined the private sector economy at the same time.

Romero escaped, Coss is out of here soon and Patti should just hang it up considering her political ménage a trois is over.

 Bushee's political career started with Santa Fe's most famous 'democratic' electoral scams ... if the Mayor-elect is a Councilor then as Mayor they get to appoint their own Council replacement. This two-for-one election corrupts our local representative democracy and rigs the political system.  The fact that a mid-term City Councilors doesn't have to give up their seat to run for mayor has negatively controlled our local government for the last twenty years.

As is the case with the rest of people on the City Council, Patti Bushee is an institutional person. Whether she or Coss or any of them are still working for the State doesn't matter because they all think like they are. But in Santa Fe even the so-called "Business" community thinks institutionally. From Patti to the Camber of Commerce the only economic strategy Santa Fe has is to create monopolies; restrict creativity; crush entrepreneurial spirit and create more government jobs.

Patti Bushee has gotten a free ride. I think in Santa Fe gay/lesbian politicians not only think they are infallible about gender issues but they think they are right about every issue ... economics, foreign policy, history and morality.

The criticism that Patti Bushee or any of the other gay/lesbian politicians actually hates certain ideas or people that are different from them just doesn't seem to be allowed. Sorry folks but Bushee hates something and that hatred has been the basis for some of her doings as City Councilor.

I love the person Bushee but hate Patti the politician.  I hate writing letters like this like I hate burning bridges. But what I really hate is feeling both Patti and my government don’t care about me. I guess it’s true that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference.

Patti Bushee, Community Day and Julia Goldberg ... 2/3 Boring.