Friday, January 13, 2017

Zozobra 2017: A Trump Effigy?

After the Santa Fe City Council failed to pass an anti-Trump resolution the word spread that Kiwanis, the sponsors of Zozobra was considering making the famous world's largest marionette of 'Old Man Gloom' whose burning starts the annual Santa Fe Fiesta might be made in the likeness of Donald Trump.

Every September crowds of over 40,000 people watch and cheer when Zozobra which is stuffed with old bills,  divorce papers, burnable bad memories and fireworks is publicly ignited. Over the years since the late artist Will Shuster started the tradition of Old Man Gloom has been made to look like or represent a different villainous characters, real or imagined.

WWII Zozobra mocking Japan's Emperor

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Mass Psychology of Fascism: Trump Family Sexual Repression

I know that someplace I have the little revolutionary pamphlet from the 60s titled The Mass Psychology of Fascism with writings by Wilhelm Reich and the subtitle being something like "The More I Fuck, the More I Want to Make Revolution."

Reich's original book about Fascism asked why people would choose an authoritarian government even though it was obviously against their self-interest?  The answer he suggests is early sexual repression in  the family by the parents. For his suggestion Reich got his books burned during the 30s both in Germany by the Nazis and in Russia by the Bolsheviks and in 1956 a court in the United States ordered the book burned ... I should be so lucky.